David Martin Design

Web Design, Web Hosting, & Digital Marketing

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Website Security - HTTPS

What is an SSL Certificate & Why Is It Important For Your Website Success?

What is an SSL Certificate & Why Is It Important For Your Website Success?


An SSL Certificate is vital for your website’s success. If you accept e-commerce orders, it helps you secure credit card numbers, passwords, and other sensitive data your visitors submit through your site.

Even if you don’t sell products via your website having an SSL certificate in place will increase customer confidence, improve SEO ranking, & protect your data.

How Do I Setup an SSL Certificate?

If your website is hosted with David Martin Design, it includes a shared SSL certificate for the sites on our server. This covers the basics of security and will take care of complying with security requirements.

If your website is hosted elsewhere, then you will need to check with your hosting provider. A lot of times GoDaddy, BlueHost, GreenGeeks, or another hosting provider will offer you an SSL certificate from a 3rd party company that will be installed on their end. Check with them to see what your options are.

Do I Really Need an SSL?

That depends on your risk tolerance. Are you OK leaving your car doors unlocked at night? Are you OK with leaving your front door unlocked?

I think we both know the answer to this. Take the time to set up your infrastructure the right way and you can avoid a lot of headaches in the future. Yes, set up an SSL certificate.

For more information on this, please visit this excellent Google resource: https://support.google.com/domains/answer/7630973?hl=en